Laboratory Animals Anaesthesia, Surgery and Perioperative Care

Producer: University of Newcastle upon Tyne

This double CD – ROM from the Digital Materials for Trainers series contains interactive course notes on anaesthesia (CD 1) and surgery (CD 2). They can be used to support training and provide veterinary students with a basic introduction to anaesthesia, surgery and perioperative care. Copies of the notes can be printed, but when viewed on screen (using Acrobat Reader), links are included for accessing illustrations, QuickTime movie clips and additional text information.



Language: English; others (Spanish, Italian, French and German) under production
Medium: CD-ROM
System requirements: Windows 95 and higher, Macintosh OS 8.6 and higher; QuickTime 5 (included)
Price: £7.00 (plus £5.00 postage for 1-10 disks)Laboratoryy Animal Anesthesia, Surgery & Perioperative Care Laboratory Animal Anesthesia, Surgery & Perioperative Care

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